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New News
October 19th Sorry to say but... The buzz was bull. :( No Quake 2 Demo was released last night. Hoax or not, I'm not playing Quake 2 right now instead of updating the page. I must of spent 7+ hours on 3DNet waiting, which I must say was fun. Although at times frustrating because sometimes I was +Ved and others I wasn't, so I was spending most of my time trying to get +Ved again. :) Anyways, like I said, dissapointing but fun. And a lot of people are pointing the finger at someone for whatever reason... October 18thThere's a buzz going around #Quake2 right now.. And that buzz is a rumor started by id Software's very own Christian Antkow, otherwise known as Disruptor. He said to stay tuned to 3DNet tonight. What that means, we can only guess. And the only guess comming out of people's mouths is Quake 2 demo!! So if the demo does come out tonight, we welcome all to Undernet #Quake2 for a good time (party). Hope to see you there while downloading the Quake 2 Demo!!! The #Quake2 Homepage is now a member of the Quake Community Green Ribbon Campaign. I just added the ribbon tied to a Quake 2 logo to the index page, along with a button for Quake2.com. Those were just minor changes that I've been meaning to add.
It's 12:42AM and I just finished the OP section. John_Galt is now listed and you can look up his bio. Not much work I have left to do on this page. If anyone has any suggestions, feel free to mail me. I'll take a look at your section. After the rating of 30% out of 100% I got at UAC, I'm willing to try anything to break 50%! :) It's a fair rating I guess. I didn't think the graphic load was that bad. I specifically designed the page so many graphics load at once to lighten the load while showing more of the page. I guess it doesn't please everyone. Oh well! :) October 17thI now introduce a new OP of #Quake2..... John_Galt!!! We choose him as a new OP yesterday, because he is a frequent visitor of #Quake2 and he's a good kid.. Too bad I can't kick him anymore, what a pitty. ;) Anyways, I should add his info later on this weekend so you can look foward to that. BTW: I wanted to mention this.. #Idsoftware on Undernet is having an interview with a bunch of people who work at Valve Software (makers of Half-Life) and the maker of the Slide patch. You might want to goto here to find out more. October 14thQuake2.com showed it's redesign today and I must say it is looking *sweet*. I feel proud to be hosted by them. :) Congratulations to the whole Quake2.com staff for a good job, and good luck in the future. :) October 11thWe did something unusual today, we held a trivia contest in #Quake2. We couldn't provide a good prize, so whoever won the trivia contest would get OPs in the channel for a day. The rules were, first person to answer 10 question on #Quake2 and Quake 2 trivia wins. And the winner of the first ever #Quake2 Trivia Contest is tin! Congratulations to him and we had a lot of fun doing it. So much, that we might make it a weekly thing. Too bad we can't get some real prizes like a copy of Quake 2 or a free copy of a commercial TC or something like that. Oh well, OPs for a day will have to do since a good amount of people were interested. Better luck next time guys! :) October 6thHehehehe, get ready to get a laugh out of this e-mail I just got. I love how people with e-mails from hotmail.com think they are god and can do whatever they want. Sorry to burst your bubble guy, but it ain't happening. Check this out: Were did you get GFK I am the leader of Ghost Face Killers Don't use my Name. GFK-ZeusOK, time to break this down. First off, where do you think I got the name GFK from? Look at the clan I'm in, brainiac. Second, that is such a stupid name for a clan. Third, why must you bother me? We can coexist, but NOOO, you had to mail me being all tough and stuff. Fourth, I've been using the name for over 3 years, I ain't stopping now. When you don't have a hotmail.com e-mail, then we'll talk. /me hits delete. October 5th Some changes have been done to the page. The most obvious one is the new Logs section. This section contains a good amount of logs of visits by the id Guys. Some good information was found within them so they are worth checking out. I also added a counter. Another thing is the domain for this page changed again. It's no longer chat.quake2.com, its now http://www.quake2.com/chat/ so update your bookmarks. I know that MSIE 4 came out, but I have no idea how this page looks in it, and I don't think I'm going to download it because I heard it sucks (what else is new ;). September 28thToday is the grand re-opening of the #Quake2 Homepage with a new look. I was asked to redesign this page because the old one wasn't upto our standards. Hopefully this one is, and everyone will love it as much as I do. Enjoy! BTW: I've already gotten wind about an error I anticipated with Microsoft Internet Explorer users: "[Line: 9] 'Image' is undefined". This error is fixed with MSIE 4 and currently, I haven't found a way to fix it, but I'll keep looking. I appologize for the error, but it's something that is caused by competition between 2 Web Browser companies that makes other people suffer. P.S.: There have been random updates made to the page today, because I'm being noted of miscellanous errors that are no big deal to fix. :) |