QuakeStation IRC
QuakeStation, the
premier source for PlayStation Quake II news & info now has it's own IRC channel!
The IRC channel can be used for a variety of purposes. You can get tips from other
players, trade codes, trade DexDrive files, you name it. The possibilites are endless!
Here's everything you need to get started:
- Download the latest version of mIRC.
- Enter your user info, such as your nick, e-mail address, and secondary nick.
- Connect to Quake2.com's IRC server:
- Join the QuakeStation IRC
channel by typing /join #quakestation or by double clicking on #quakestation in the channel
list, which can be accessed by typing /list.
All channnel operators will have the "@" symbol in front of their nicks, so you
will most likely see me in there as "@DBS". More channel operators may be added as needed.
Hope to see you in there!