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Welcome to the section that has no relevance anywhere else on the site. I'll pretty much throw anything in here that's neato.

Silencer Message Board - Post questions, comments, anything. Just don't use profane language, or I'll whoop your ass. ;)
Silencer Quake 2 Start Button - This thing is cool! It makes your start button look like this: Quake2 Start Button
            Be sure to read the README file first!! (270 KB)
Silencer Quake 2 Mp3 - Here is a little song made up solely from Quake2 sounds. It's pretty neato, but gets kinda annoying after a while... (1050 KB)
Silencer Quake 2 Start Up/Shut Down Screens - Here's some nifty screens created by Xenofon Papadopoulos to replace those annoying Microsoft clouds on start up and shut down.
            Be sure to read the README file first!! (161 KB)
sta_papado1 sta_papado2 sta_papado3
Silencer Action Quake 2 Winamp Skin - Add some quakeiness to your mp3s! (382 KB)

© 1998 Jeffrey Clark
Use of any original material without my express written consent constitutes legal action.
All trademarks and registers copyright their respective owners.