What?: A parital conversion for QuakeII
When?: When it’s done. (thanx to id for that one ;-)
How?: With A LOT of help
Why?: Why not?
Ok here is the deal: I don’t know what will be in the final movie
sequence, but probably the Strogg-planet will blow up or
something otherwise cool. Ok, when it does blow up, picture that the
camera would slide back behind the planet and film a large ship and
many, many small ships leaving the planet. This is the intro!
Story: When you came back from single-handedly destroying the stroggs
efforts to destroy earth, you were saluted as a hero, but the USMC
wanted more, they decided that they wouldn’t be safe unless the strogg
was completely annihilated. An amateur radio-operatist picked up the
strogg-signal and traced it back to another planet, supposedly this is
their home-planet, the planet you destroyed was probably just a
temporary planet to set up war material etc, this is their
home-planet with civilians. Since you now know more than anyone
about the Strogg, you have been chosen to disguise yourself in a
bio-mechanic suit, this will be custom-made only for you, so you will
get to choose what monster you wish to play as, oh, didn’t I
mention? You’re going under cover in the Strogg home-planet.
These may vary, but these are the ones I have thought of so far:
Food supply:
What id lacks in Quake2 is a tiny bit of realism after all, the
monster have to get fuel somewhere. Anyway your mission is to blow
up the tanks with the fuel used to build and "feed" cyborgs. This
will be quite easy, once you get inside there will be mostly
civilians, but some guards may walk around.
BigGun: There will be a VERY big gun, destroy it.
Leader: They will have a president-like leader, destroy him,
and everyone will get confused, not knowing what to do. This will
help your mission a lot.
Prepare for invasion: Destroy all personel working the
military base. This will help USMC to invade the planet, and destroy
the strogg for good!
The strogg’s sense of smell is highly developed, if you stick around
them to long they WILL now that you are not a cyborg. That means that
you have two options, either you can go in and blast the hell out of
everybody, or, you could chose a fast monster and run by everyone so
fast that they wont know that you’re a human. If you should somehow
destroy your suit by jumping in slime, lava water etc, the stroggs
will know that you’re an human. Now, you cant get out of the suit
without surgical procedures so even if you do destroy it and they
find out that you aren’t a cyborg, you’re still stuck inside.
If you choose a higly-armed (and probably slow) monster like the
tank, your best bet is to kill everyone before they kill you.
Although civilians may seem harmless, they can, and will, call
the guards if they suspect something. So shoot them if you can, if
they come in large groups, try killing them all at the same time
so that someone doesn’t get away to call the guards.
Weapons: You will have all standard weapons in quake, your aiming
style will probably look more like that of RoboCop, since, after all,
they are cyborgs.
Maps: There will be all new maps, with the same style as in Quake2.
However, they will be less military.
This is lika a "manual" for this patch (got a name for it?). By
reading the above you can understand quite a bit about what it’s all