Brian Hook .Plan Update
Brian Hook updated with this on the VERITEGL.DLL driver:
December 29, 1997 (early AM)
As for people having problems with the VERITEGL.DLL driver -- everything still
works on 3Dfx and Intergraph with the new patch, so Rendition looks like
they're suffering from normal minidriver growing pains. Hopefully they'll
have a new version out pretty soon, but near as I can tell the latest
problems with that are not our fault (at least, the evidence suggests that
the problems people are having with the V2x00 are not our problems).
Quake2Fortress.com Announcement
We got a letter from Phreakin about the opening of Quake2Fortess.com:
On January 12th, 1998 Quake2Fortress.Com will be preparing for business.
The site will be devoted to TeamFortress for Quake2 as well as Team
Fortress for Quake. We are in need of 4 or 5 more people to help make it a
stand out site. Currently we are looking for people familiar in the
following areas: CGI, Graphics Design, Web Design, News Hounds and Site
Maintainers. Any work contributed to the site will be on strictly a
volunteer basis with no monetary payments involved. Anyone interested in
helping out in any area needed should contact Phreakin@Quaked.Com. In
conjunction with the opening of Quake2Fortress.Com, we will be having a
very unique contest to give away the domain of Quaked.Com. Check
http://www.quaked.com on January 12th for the details.
December 28, 1997 |
New Powerball Beta
Beta 3 of the Powerball mod for Quake2 has been released
The fixes enclude
crashes associated with the player select screen, and a Map was renamed to base1.bsp so you
can now select it from multiplayer setup. Thanks Hanif.
Jobe is Back...Kinda
Just wanted to let you know that my computer is stable (woohoo!) and we here at Quake2.com are slowly but
surely getting back on the ball from the holidays. Thanks to everyone who sent letters of encouragement
to me, it's really appreciated :). I Hope everyone had a happy holiday! (Note: just a reminder,
don't forget to resend your skins to my e-mail if you havn't done so already.
The contest ends January 9th, and we're really lacking Quake1 skins!)
QGraph 1.0 Released
QGraph 1.0 has been released. Here's a description of it:
QGraph is a program who connects to a Quake Server and shows you realtime data about the deathmatch running on that server.
QGraph offers real-time data and graphics, log recording, off-line data browsing and printing. You will get full information about the Quake Server, full
information about the players connected to that server and more! I attached to this mail a screenshot of QGraph, so you may
understand what the program does more that reading 1000 of my words.
Although this current version is for Quake only, the next version WILL support Quake2 in addition to other Quake-based games. Thanks Michele.
Quake2 Tactics Page
The Quake2 Press has posted some Quake2
Tactics. Thanks lag.
Quake2 Trading Cards
C02 is working on some digital Quake2 trading cards featuring all of the loveable characters from
everyone's favorite game. :) Thanks Hanif. Anyone want to trade my Grunt for a Gunner? :)
Quake2 DLL Site Updated
There's some really cool updates on QuakeII DLLs including Part 2 of "The Art of Quake2 DLL Coding." Thanks John.
Respawn Reminder from Process
Just a reminder to everyone who hasn't signed up for Respawn '98,
registration is open and saves you money. You must also pre-register to be eligible to enter the Quake 2 Tournament.
Clans who are attending should email Brian Sutton. Clan groups of four
or larger can apply to reserve tables so they will be seated together,
and if enough clans signup, we will be holding a special tournament
specifically for registered clans.
Quake2CTF.Com Clan Listing
Quake2CTF.com is now in the process of forming a listing of all active CTF Clans. If you want to be on the list,
go sign up. Thanks sHoShiN.
Skins2 is a site being made by Raven
that is going to be a huge collection of all the Quake2 skins available. E-mail Raven if you want your skin added. Thanks Hanif.
Quake II Console Programming Language mod
I'm not quite sure what exactly that is, but all the info is on this website. Thanks Bill.
German Quake2 Manual
Good news for all you German Quake2 fraggers! Martin Gerner mailed us with a letter
about a German translation of the Quake2 Manual being worked on by mpgText. Here's a sample of the manual which will be posted on a
website within the next few days:
Deine Kampfstiefel werfen lange Schatten in der unbarmherzigen, brütend heißen texanischen Nachmittagssonne. Blinzelnd schaust Du zum tausendsten Mal gegen das gleißende Licht auf die Soldatenreihe vor Dir. Schier endlos sc
heint die Silhouette der Menschenkette über dem Geröll, bis sie zuletzt mit den kalten Schatten eines Truppentransporters verschmilzt. Bald wirst auch Du die Rampe Deines Schiffs hochklettern, in deinen stählernen Ein-Mann-Kokon steigen und damit durch de
n interplanetarischen Gateway brettern. Lichtjahre entfernt von den Sandstürmen der Wüste und den zerstörten Ruinen um den Dallas-Metro-Krater wirst Du aufschlagen.
"Warum zum Teufel dauert das so lange", knurrst Du. Ungeduldig läßt du den zerbeulten Lauf Deines Blasters immer wieder in Deine zernarbte Handfläche fallen. "Ich hab´ lange genug gewartet, jetzt wird´s Zeit, den Stroggs mal richtig in die Ärsche zu trete
Du wippst in der drückenden Schwüle der Augustsonne langsam auf den Zehen vor und zurück, spuckst aus und reibst Dir Deine Augen. Du denkst an den Tag, an dem die scheußlichen Kreaturen zum ersten Mal angriffen. Wie glühende Meteore waren ihre Schiffe auf
der Erde eingeschlagen. Unglaublich: Während die Raumtransporter von der Hitze des Wiedereintritts in die Atmosphäre noch fast brutzelten, schwärmten die biomechanischen Aliens...diese widerlichen Cyborgs....aus und nahmen alles gefangen, was sich auf zw
ei Beinen bewegte. Meistens machten die Stroggs aber gleich kurzen Prozeß....
Copyright for the translation: 1997 by mpgText Germany.
Enemies Section Updated!
Paubo has completed the Quake2 Enemies Section (accessible via the left frame menu) and now all of you can learn cool
facts about the Baddies of Quake2.
The Carmack Update
Here's the full .plan update that John Carmack made today in reference to the Quake2 1.08 patch:
Dec 28, 5:00 PM CST:
No crashes on any of the servers!
A few comments on some reported problems:
You have to press the "attack" button to respawn in deathmatch
now. This allows you to chat and go into the menu. I have
got several mails from people that are typing "kill" or
reconnecting to servers after they die...
Old savegames will NOT work with the patch. Just cheat yourself
to aproximately the same place you were before. The game included
config files for starting off at each unit. You can exec one of
those to get you close, then do "give" commands if you want to be
more precise. (bigguun.cfg, boss.cfg city.cfg, command.cfg,
factory.cfg, hangar.cfg, jail.cfg, mine.cfg, power.cfg, space.cfg,
I think several people are failing to get the gamex86.dll into the
baseq2 directory. if "fov 120" doesn't change your field of view,
the server doesn't have the right gamex86.dll.
Dec 28, 5:00 AM CST:
Ok, two hours without a crash on four servers.
Here is a new patch:
3.07 and 3.08 can interoperate fine. All servers should upgrade
to 3.08, but if you gravved the 3.07 earlier today and only play
as a client and don't need timedemo, you don't nned to upgrade.
Dec 28, 2:55 AM CST:
There were a few problems with the 1.07 patch:
Bodies stuck under doors caused a repeated explosion effect.
Timedemo was broken.
The servers crash about once an hour under full load.
I have the first two fixed, and I hope the third. The four
servers at Id are running a new executable.
If the servers don't crash in the next hour or two,
I'll put another release out.
Dec 27:
The 1.07 patch is out:
Please mirror and distribute this.
When submitting bugs, make sure you say that you already have the
3.07 patch.
Christian will go through and update the bug page when he gets back
from vacation next week.
This release does not fix all known problems. We intend to have
another release in a few weeks.
Whew. :)
Quake2 Review
The Quake II Matrix has posted a review
of Quake2. Thanks Kamarov.
Nigel (very tired of typing)
Quake2 fixes
John Carmack updated his finger in regards to the newly released
Quake2 executable. Among other things, this should fix the server
crashes that have plaqued us all. I have the new executable running
on Stroggos.Quake2.com if you want to hop in. One thing though, you
must upgrade your client as well or you will not be able to connect.
You can grab it here: