Quake2 v3.14 Source Released
John Cash made a quick and to the point update in his .plan about the source being released. You can grab it from ftp.idsoftware.com, or from Blue, who hasgraciously hosted a copy there ;).
Quick Note (oops)
Just a quick note to let everyone know that the news date was wrong for most of today, if you didn'tnotice, we had two separate Tuesday updates... oops... my mind just hasn't been the same since the war, or something...
Crisys fills us in:
A new site has started up at http://www.cal.shaw.wave.ca/~crisys for Q2
info. Right now it's incredibly small, contains primarily info on what I'm
doing on it and the current ip of my server. Important stuff like upgrades
are always going to be there, and other stuff on mods and levels will be
coming within the next week or so. I would love to get some traffic going on
the Q2 server. It has a 12 player limit and it runs the Lithium .90 mod.
There's a 40 frag limit and a 20 minute time limit. The server stats are on
the main page of the site using the Q2plug from id. Be forewarned that the
ip address changes from time to time, but the current address (assuming I'm
at home to check it) will always be posted there first.
Believe me, I know that there's a distinct lack of graphics and funky cool
stuff there, but when I get the place filled with some more content, I'll be
working on the design until it's really easy to find stuff (no more than one
click away). As for content, I would like it to be sort of a most-in-one
deal with bot, mod, and level reviews, current Q2 info and news (like
upgrades, new TC's, etc.), and a base for some projects I'm working on like
DM levels and texture editing.
Submissions and suggestions are always welcome, so maybe drop in some time!
Fields Of War
A new version of Fields of War has been released.
New Eraser Bot Released
Ridah over at Team Impact has released v0.7 of his popular
Eraser Bot. This new version has a whole ton of new features including Advanced Squadron AI, Increased Intelligence,
Faster AI, a configurable chat system, etc. Here's the link to the
Win95 Installer and the zipped version.
Fields of War Released
Version 0.6 of the Fields of War Mod has been
released. This version includes a working teamplay and a new map with a King of the Hill style goal.
Quake2 WinAMP Conversion
Deathace has given the popular mp3 player, WinAMP a facelift
with a Quake2 twist. Drop by his site and
check it out.
PCGamer Contest Rules Revised
The rules to PCGamer's Quake2 Contest have been revised a bit, anyone having questions about this should
check out the revised section 8 over at the rules page.
Zoid Interview
Quake2CTF.com has posted an interview that they did
with Zoid (developer of both Capture the Flag and the Linux Quake2 updates).
Quake2/CTF Tournament
There's word of a Quake2/CTF tournament being started up... if you're interested check it out
New Sites and Movements
Help Wanted
- Gibben is in need of a webmaster to help
them out.
- The SpiderMan TC needs mappers, programmers,
sound artists, etc... drop by if you're interested.
- The Arsenal TC Group is in need of modelers and
skin/texture artists.
Quake2 Version 3.14 Released
id has released version 3.14 for Quake2. Details on what has been fixed and changed in this version
from v3.13 can be found in John Cash's .plan.
Mod authors rejoice! Cash also notes that the source will be released tonight as well.
(thanks to Redwood for the file sizes)
Quake2 CTF Version 1.02 Released
Right on the heels of the Quake2 v3.14 release, Zoid has released the update for Capture
The Flag. You can get it from idsoftware's ftp:
PCGamer Quake2 Contest
We got a note from PCGamer announcing their big Quake2 Contest, here's the release:
Here at PC Gamer, our inhuman Quake II skills have left us looking for a
new challenge. What can we say? We dominate every deathmatch, and we're
masters of Capture the Flag (just ask our neighbors at boot, who still wear
our footprints on their foreheads). Before our godlike superiority takes
all the fun out of Quake II, we're hoping you'll come to our rescue with
some new mods for our favorite multi-player game. And just to sweeten the
deal, we've come up with a little contest.
If you can create a team-based mod that truly enthralls the PC Gamer staff
-- that inspires us to forego sleep, abandon friends and family, and commit
any number of B-felonies for just another hour of play -- we'll give you
$2,000. That's right -- two gees, baby. And we've got some other nifty
prizes too. Check it out!
Here are how the prizes break down:
· Grand Prize Winner: Two thousand bucks (oh, yeah!), plus a copy of Quake
II signed by the fine folks at id Software; a 3Dfx T-shirt, and a one-year
subscription to PC Gamer.
· Second Place: A 3D Blaster Voodoo II 3D accelerator from 3Dfx and
Creative Labs; a 3Dfx T-shirt and a one-year subscription to PC Gamer.
· Third Place: A 3Dfx backpack/duffel bag, a 3Dfx T-shirt; and a one-year
subscription to PC Gamer.
· Fourth Place: A 3Dfx backpack/duffel bag; a 3Dfx T-shirt; and a one-year
subscription to PC Gamer.
· Fifth Place: A 3Dfx T-shirt; a one-year subscription to PC Gamer; and a
sexy Quake II hat.
· Sixth thru Tenth Place: A Quake II hat and a 3Dfx T-shirt.
· All top ten finalists will receive a jumbo Quake II promo box, a Quake II
T-shirt, and a PC Gamer T-shirt, plus other goodies like PC Gamer bumper
stickers and tattoos.
So get cracking, Sparky!
Please note that this contest is for TEAM BASED mods only. Single-player
total conversions will not be considered. For full details and the official
rules, jump to the official PC Gamer Quake 2 contest web page at:
Quake2Plug Browser Plugin Released
id has released a Quake2 compatible version of QPlug, the browser plugin that allows webmasters to
post the status of their Quake2 servers right on their webpage. I've put Q2Plug up on our servers page.
It now shows the status of our quake2 server here, Stroggos.Quake2.com. We don't have a local copy of the plugin itsself here, but
you can get it at RedWood's.
Q2/CTF LAN Party Announced
The Sniper Network Gaming Group has announced their new Q2/CTF LAN event, here's a clip from the message:
We've just announced our next event, a big Q2 / CTF event, and thought that
some of your visitors would be interested in hearing about it. The Sniper
Network Gaming Group is a non-profit group based in Vancouver, BC. For
more information, visit our website at http://www.sniper.net or e-mail
Orange Updated
A new version of Orange for Quake2 has been released. You can get it
here (also known as the world's longest url :).
New Rocket Arena Release
Rocket Arena version 2.098 server software has been released. This new version is now 3.13 compatible and
has loads of new features. Surf on over to the
Rocket Arena page for details and the download.
PowerBall Patch
A patch for the popular Powerball Mod has been released.
This makes it 3.13 compatible.
New CRBot Released
A new v3.13 compatible version of the CRBot has been released, using the 3.13 hack that mod authors have
been taking advantage of. You can find the new release here.
The Tactics and Psychology of Q2
Version 2.0 of The Tactics and Psychology of Q2 has been released. This version contains a new
section covering the basics of Capture the Flag. You can get the direct download here.
Help Wanted
- REALimage is in need of helpers for their new TC... if you're interested contact
- The CTF and JailBreak Scoreboard is in need of someone
to help maintain it. Head on over if you're interested.
Hosted Sites Update
- The info section on the Xenophobia site has been updated.
It now has a list and description of all of the planned features for Xenophobia. This should clear up most of the
questions about what exactly they are doing with Xenophobia.
New Quake2 Site Opens
TerraFusion is a new site that has just opened
its doors to the community. Not just a Quake2 site, this one is geared towards amateur Deathmatch and CTF
level designers. They will be hosting their own Quake2 server, that will host new DM maps every week. Swing
by and see what they've got going on...
Quake2 Capture the Flag Stuff
- League of Capture is now hosting the Quake2 CTF League. Drop by
and see what's new.
- There's a review of the new Q2CTF stages up here.
Zoid Mini-Interview
Speaking of Capture the Flag, Zoid answered a few CTF 1.01 questions over at Tejaz Clan's Homepage.
Some of the issues mentioned are the scoring system and the grapple sound bug. Thanks BigLare.
Quake2 PAK and WAL Manager
If you've been wishing for one tool that could handle both Quake2 PAK files and WAL's, then you're in luck.
qWAL-Lite has been released over at its webpage. This utility
is free (hence the Lite version).
New Lithium Release
Whitefang has updated the Lithium Mod to v.90. This update
This update also makes it compatible with both 3.12 and 3.13.
Quake Community Celeb Portraits up at QuakeEasel
The QuakeEasel has posted up some warped pics of
sCary, Joost Schuur,
and Redwood. Drop by and check out how they look
suited up in Quake2 gear!
Hosted Sites Update
- The Illuminati TC webpage has gotten
a facelift, and is looking much better.
- A World of Quake2 has been updated with the addition
of 5 new map reviews.
- The Mailbag has been updated with loads of rants and raves.
3.13 compatibility revisited (updated)
As we reported yesterday, mods can now be
made to work with 3.13 in the meanwhile, as they wait for the source
release from id. Also, mods made to work with 3.13 are 3.12 compatible as
well, so the term 3.12/3.13 compatible is more accurate. However, there can
be occasional crashes as a result of this since this is not the "right way"
to do it. Here's the current (and growing) list of mods that have been made
3.12/3.13 compatible.
The Eraser Bot author
Ridah plans to have a 3.12/3.13 compatible version up within the next 24
hours (drool).
Battle of the
Cluster mod
(build 0395)
Rocket Arena 2 programmer crt has got a 3.12/3.13 compatible
version running at reaper.stanford.edu. If the id source is not
released soon he will publically release it, but for now it is only on that
New QStat
QStat, the server status utility used far and wide to generate those server
lists you folks use, has hit version 2.1z. If you are a QStat nut, you
should go get it.
TeamFortress info
Because of the large number of TeamFortress levels on
ftp.cdrom.com in the
/pub/idgames2/levels/team_fortress directory, it has been
subdivided alphabetically by Joost Schuur. This may break download links on
various websites, so check and update your links. He invites comments to be
mailed to him.
What's in a name?
That which we call a rose by any other name would still.... OK, er, down to
what I was going to say. Surfed on over to the
GameSpy web site and found
that our old buddy Slipgate has been of some assistance to them. He updated
the MapData.txt that comes with GameSpy 1.52 to include the names of the
Quake 2 Threewave CTF levels and the Quake 2 deathmatch levels, and even the
megabase levels. If you want to save yourself the trouble of doing this, you
can grab a zipped up copy of the one he made right
here (link leads
to GameSpy.com's local copy). One caveat it mentions Slipgate told them on
the news page is that there is a CTF map titled Outlands and a single player
Quake 2 map by the same name, so he titled the CTF level as "Outlands (CTF)"
instead of just "Outlands."
On the GameSpy front, it looks like GameSpy 2.0, though slightly delayed by
the Real LivesTM of the programmers, should be coming pretty soon
now. The preview on the website looks pretty slick. Also, they have a new
custom tab up in their tabs library that lets you filter out all but
cooperative games in Quake 2, for those coop nuts out there.
Bot news a plenty!
Our hosted site Quake 2
Bot Epidemic has gotten an exclusive preview of an unreleased alpha of
the Oak II bot, and they
find it rather good :). Speaking of Oak II, its own page reports that the
first version should be out a few days after the source release of version
3.13 (unknown how the new ability to make mods work with 3.13 influences
this tentative date just yet).
Don't quite remember if we mentioned this before, but
Team Impact's website has
up a new plugin player model by Sumaleth, titled Zumlin. If you are
unfamiliar with Team Impact (the artists currently known as Ridah and
Sumaleth) their work includes: Quake Rally (Quake 1), Quess (Quake 1),
Eraser bot, and Morbo, the first player plugin model by them, plus some other
less known stuff. Zumlin adds to their resume nicely :).
Marriage of the mods
RuiNation is
apparently now making a hybrid of thier CTF mod for Quake 2 and Rocket
Arena, aptly titled RuiNation CTF Arena.
NetGuy - burning that old midnight oil
QeRadiant Build 45
QeRadiant build 45 is up at
The QE-Radiant website.
Paubo has updated the
mailbag, this time without
techie questions.
Mods hit version 3.13
Thanks to the aforementioned
info on Inside 3D, mods are now becoming compatible with 3.13. Here's
the ones we know of so far:
Battle of the
Sexes (you are advised to read the page for info on the update and
warnings pertaining to it)
Quake 2 3.13 compatibility and mods
There's news on Inside
3D (February 28th news) on how mod authors can get their mods
working with Quake 2 version 3.13 for now even though the source
hasn't been released.
Another TC
w00! TC's keep showing up. Word up on the latest:
I want to announce yet another TC.
What I've got planned is a TC set in the "Best of" Cyberpunk
environment. Have character classes, realistic and complex
environments, a real world city coupled with a Cyberspace system where
you "fight" with programs rather than guns, and much, much more! It's
called Yoru City (where everything takes place). We've got a web site
up at: http://www.burbclave.net/~yoru/. While I've got some side
helpers, we still need help in every aspect of the game. So, if you dig CP
and want to help, drop me a line.
- Cyber
The Bot
Epidemic is having a poll. Go check it out!
Crackwhore Contest
Paul Steed updated his
.plan to say that he has pics of the winner of the
Crackwhore contest. Guys, be sure to check these out. :)
TFCon 98
Don't forget that TFCon 98 starts March 23 in Australia, and Team
Fortress 2 (The artist formerly known as Team Fortress for Quake 2)
will be finally unveiled there. Super cool :).
Cluster stuff
The Cluster
mod is at version 0.4 pre release (works with Quake 2 3.10).
After the source release they will release version 0.4's "normal"
Are names fun or not fun?
Check out Inside 3D
for some information regarding the "fun names" issue, along with an
IRC log of a discussion about the issue of whether to include them or
not. The general consensus reached at the end of the log is that it
would be nice to be a server side support option so servers that were
alright with them could enable them, like in QuakeWorld.
Editor stuffs
The qED Prefab Park has expanded to cover
QOOLE prefabs as
of Radiant has some QE-Radiant tutorials up.
Strategy revisited
Wow.... what an interesting and long name for a Quake 2 strategy
guide. The guide itself aint all that shabby either :). Check out
Tactics and Psychology of Quake 2.
Ghost writer...
Ridah Interview
There's a interview of Ridah, creator of the Eraser bot, up here.
Eraser Launch Program
w00, read on:
I've made a program called Eraser Launch. It is basically a visual front end to be used with the Eraser Bot. It's page is at..
Yes, I do have permission from Ridah to release this program.
Tim "LinT" Hollosy
Hostile Partial Conversion
Yet another conversion is up. This one sounds pretty amazing:
A new Quake 2 Partial Conversion from the brains (he has two) of Jeff
Garstecki (Ultimate Rally modeller, Deconstruct webmaster, Fuel PPM Maker),
Hostile is a multi-player team game which uses an enhanced AI system similar
to Ridah's Eraser Bot (but programmed by our very own SKWiD) and is played
on urban based levels from a Judge Dredd or Burton's Batman artistic
The web site (run by professional nutcase Richard "QBS" Smith) has been up
and running for a little less than a month now, but has been kept from the
eyes of the public until significant content was available. There's now a
ton of screenshots to look at, some AI demos to download and a chance to see
an alternative style of news reporting.
Hostile is going to be one hell of a PC and has a plot based around the
BFG - what more could you ask for?
Use the magical pogo stick which came with your computer to bounce across to
http://www.frag.com/deconstruct/hostile before it's too late.
We await your arrival with baited breath,
Baited breath? I think he's been hangin' around NetGuy too much. Or something. :)
Hosted Site Updates
CTF Walkthroughs
There are demo format walktroughs of the CTF levels available at:
A new Judge Dredd TC, called MegaCity1 (hm...) is currently in process. Word from TorQ:
Hello All,
A new conversion is in development based on the 2000ad British Comic
Character Judge Dredd and the world of MegaCity1 where he was the law. The
Team and the site is a bit light in information at present but I have just
started with the idea now I need to build the team.
This will be a multiplayer conversion only, may adapt to single player
Here is what I want to achieve:
o A total conversion of Quake 2 into a Judge Dredd universe
o New player models to look more like the comic book judges
o Perp skins of famous characters from the Dredd Universe
o Working Bikes! - Dont know the feasibility of this but hell I would
like to see it possible
that you can jump on them and drive.
o Maps of famous area's of MegaCity1
o Authentic weapons from Lawgivers, grapnels, bike cannons, etc
o New textures from the comics
I am no programmer myself but I am the one with the vision and I have time
to co-ordinate it all.
I need your help so if you can make maps, models, skins, sounds, ideas etc
please email me.
The Site URL is : http://www.llamanet.net/justice/mc1_index.html
TorQ - justice@llamanet.net
Members Needed
Clan Dark Spire needs some members. Go check it out!
Syndicates.net has undergone a very neat looking facelift.
The Arsenal
The Arsenal Devolpment Group has started on a "homicidal" TC, which sounds
pretty cool.
New Bot Stuff
Word from Darrin:
I just wanted to let you know that I have just put up a site pertaining
to my up and coming client-side bot for Quake 2: Pandora Bot. The site
features a section that has COMPLETE details on the Q2 networking
protocol including server-to-client messages and client-to-server
I thought this might be some information that you'd like to share with
the people who visit your site. The URL is
http://www.opt-sci.Arizona.EDU/Pandora/. Please take a look, and let me
know what you think.
Battle of The Sexes 2.7.3
This in from Spinoza:
New to this version are many gameplay enhancements thanks to the
excellent suggestions from the many BotS players out there, also a
Class Strategy Guide written by PAIN is now online:
*** WARNING: This still uses Quake2 v3.10... This will NOT work with
Quake2 v3.12! This is because id has not released the new source code
yet. This is a server side only release. ***
New Features
1) Snipers and Infiltrators now have silent footsteps
2) Added explosion effect to Kamikazee suicide
3) Lessened effect of Nurse's flash grenades and added slight
dizzying effect
4) All men start out with a rapid-fire shotgun in addition to their
primary weapon. They also get a round of shells to start out with.
5) It now costs 10 cells for a Nurse to poison health and 10 cells to
apply antidote
6) Men can throw twice as far as women. Keep in mind, the longer you
hold the grenade, the further you throw it.
7) Environment suit gives much more protection against lava now. Lava
still does small amounts of damage if you stand in it, but you can
search lava much more easily if you have an environment suit on.
Captains can create environment suits.
8) Changes to Berzerker. Moves slower, Rage is based on (Health / 10)
= number of Rage seconds, Removed grapple, Chaingun is stronger when
firing at full blast
9) Changed many attributes of all classes and genders. All changes
are reflected in the new Class Strategy Guide written by PAIN online
at "www.quake2.com/spinoza"
Bugs Fixed
1) Fixed a couple of bugs in the Captain menu system
2) Sniper starts out with silencer in inventory. The Sniper must use
the item to activate the silencer.
3) Fixed bug with regenerating health for Nurse
4) Fixed problem of scoreboard not being removed when using "cmd
autoid" or in observer/chasecam mode
5) Fixed bug with new goal entity
Check out the full details on the website.
Sounds good. :)