The Big Quake keeps getting bigger! On April 11th, the Sniper Network Gaming Group will be hosting the Big Quake - a 40 player Quake 2 CTF event in Vancouver, BC. We've got great prizes from ACT Labs - makers of some of the finest gaming gear around and other companies. Bliink Interactive and NetPlayers will be supplying rockin' PCs for spectators to try out as well! Don't miss out on this great event. For more information, visit our website at www.Sniper.Net or e-mail Grimoire@Sniper.Net.New PingTool Beta
Source Code for the HIGHSCORE patch is available at: www.kunani.com/highscore.html - There is a text file explaining how/where to insert the HIGHSCORE source into any MOD. The patch also reports to Gamespy/Qstat type of software so you can pull and display the Highscore / Highscore Holder from ANY server running this patch and display it on a webpage, etc.New Player Plugin Model
The Highscore patch has been added to Zoids CTF 1.02 source and is now available for download. Anyone running CTF servers simply download this highscorectf.zip file from www.kunani.com/highscore.html and you will have Highscore Tracking throughout all the CTF levels.Voodoo2 Contest
Goto the ....\crakhor dir and rename it "1" (without quotes). Start Q2 and select the model "1", which should now be there. Exit Q2 and rename the dir back to "crakhor", restart Q2 and select the model "crakhor".Thanks, Anaxagoras..
3/13Carmack also noted that Quake3 will absolutely REQUIRE 3D hardware acceleration. He goes into it more in the plan of course, but comments that it probably will NOT support alot (the majority?) of today's hardware. Non-stop surprises from idsoftware lately eh?
The Old Plan:
The rest of the team works on an aggressive Quake 2 expansion pack while Brian and I develop tools and code for the entirely new Trinity generation project to begin after the mission pack ships.
The New Plan:
Expand the mission pack into a complete game, and merge together a completely new graphics engine with the quake 2 game / client / server framework, giving us Quake 3.