Oak II Bot Released
The first public version of the Oak 2 Bot has been
released over at their page.
Eraser Bugfix Out
A bugfix for the new Eraser bot has been released over at Team
Impact. Here's a clip from the page:
Damn, in fixing the bot_name command in v0.81, I managed to screw up the addteam and cmd
join commands. Hence, v0.82 is available, which also fixes the teamplay scores, and some CTF AI
tweaks (no more long stand-offs with both teams holding the opponent's flag at their base).
Eraser Launch Launches Out of Beta
The first non-beta version of Eraser Launch,
a front-end for launching Ridah's Eraser Bots has been released.
Modelers Beware
SteQve has written an article about the
"Some Technical Concerns Regarding Use of New Player Models.". This article talks about the impact
that some model designs may have on their mods.
Viking CTF Released
Viking CTF has been released. There is also a new
DM version out as well.
Help Wanted
New Sites/Movements/Redesigns
- The Quake2 File House has been redesigned, and
the page is back up & running.
- Due to an overwhelming demand for this patch, VWep
has relocated to their new home at Telefragged.
Hosted Sites Update
- We'd like to welcome DF Development to the Quake2.com
family, as they take over for what was the Galactic TC. They have some new screenshots up so be sure
to check 'em out.
- The File Fanatic has gotten quite a bit of new stuff
available for download, including a new wallpaper, 2 new themes, and a ton of icons.
American "Tokay" McGee Released from id Software
John Carmack updated his .plan
last night to let the public know that American "Tokay" McGee has been "let go" from his position at id Software.
Tokay was a level designer, sound effects creator, and was the music manager for most all of the projects that
id hit the big-time with, from DOOM2 to Quake2. Here's Carmack's .plan update:
American McGee has been let go from Id.
His past contributions include work in three of the all time great
games (DOOM 2, Quake, Quake 2), but we were not seeing what we wanted.
American attended several interviews on Undernet #Quake2 and was the first person to be interviewed
on GamesLink.net. We wish him well & hope he finds another position soon.
Team Player Server and Client
Take the CTF source, rip out the CTF and what do you have? Team Player
Server and Client. What this does, is allow for teams to play vs. each other. It still has some of the CTF aspects in it, such as
the grappling hook, runes, etc, but this mod is ideal for people looking to have clan matches, etc.
Play Quake2 on OS/2
A converter for Quake2 to OS/2 has been released. OS/2 users can now use
this utility to play Quake2 (and possibly run other Win32 applications) under OS/2.
GameMenu95 for Quake2 has been released. GameMenu95 is
a utility that will launch Quake2 with any map and/or pak file. It can also launch .zip'd maps.
Eraser Bots v0.8 Released
Version 0.8 of the Eraser Bots has been released. This new version
now has support for Quake2 CTF!
New EraserBot Front End
Speaking of Erasers, Hot Launch v1.0a has been released.
This is a front-end launcher that makes starting games with the Eraser Bots
a bit easier.
New ServeQ2
ServeQ2 v1.0 has been released. Here's the email clip:
ServeQ2 enables anyone to easily set up and configure a Quake 2 server
for Deathmatch, Threewave CTF, and Co-op games. I know there are a lot of
other good front-ends out there, so I don't expect everyone to like mine,
all I ask that that you give it a try.
Future versions will hopefully include configuration for other popular
mods like TagYerIt, and the Eraser and CRbots, as well as others.
Gettin' Fancy
If you were a bit dissappointed by the sounds that Quake2 came with, or if you thought the weapons seemed a bit bulky & weird sounding,
you might wanna check out this patch. This pak file takes
the place of the current Quake2 sounds for a few of the weapons, and replaces them with some new, beefier sounds. Note: this does not
erase your installed Quake2 sounds, just takes their place during the game.
VWep Model Support
A few of the new player plugin models have gained support in a new version of
VWep, the mod that lets you see what weapons opponents are holding in a "true" multiplayer game.
Bigtime LAN Action
There's a new LAN party brewing, and it'll all happen in Atlanta during the weekend of E3. The party is planned for May
28-30th, and has Activision and Acclaim as their two main sponsors. On the guestlist thus far includes Tom of
Tom's Hardware. For info check
New Ionic TP Mod
A new version of the Ionic TP Mod has been released.
New HIGHSCORE Released
Version .27 of the new HIGHSCORE Mod has been released. Some
of the new features include Player ID on the HUD, a countdown timer on the HUD, and more.
ServerConfig Mod 2.0 Released
A new bugfix update of ServerConfig Mod has been
released. It's now at version 2.0.
New Vanilla CTF
A new v3.14 compatible version of Vanilla CTF has
been released.
The Tab Depot is having a contest for button designers. Check the
site for details.
New Sites/Movements/Renamings
- A new level review site is up and
- A FAQ for the South Park TC has been posted, as well as some new screenshots.
Please read the FAQ before emailing them questions.
- MarcEG's Quake2 webpage has packed up and moved over here.
- AutoBot has moved. This is a front end for launching Quake2 bots, and
has a couple of added features now as well.
- The Assassin TC has been renamed to the Soldier Vs. Sniper TC. They are
currently looking for some programming help.
Hosted Sites Update
- There are 3 deathmatch levels and 2 single player levels reviewed up at
A World of Quake2.
- Version 2.8.1 of Battle of the Sexes has been released. As always it
now has a ton of new features & fixes. BOTS was a featured Quake2 addon (along with JailBreak) on PCGamer's April CD!
Sorry about missing yesterday's updates, Spring Break has a way of messing up one's schedules. I hope I caught all that I missed
with this update. ;)
Lithium v0.92 Released
Lithium version 0.92 has been released. New to this version
is a vampire rune, chasecam, and some bugfixes.
New CRBot Released
Version 1.02 of the popular CRBot
has been released.
New Orange Released
Also, Orange version 2.4f has been released over at Captured.com.
HUD + Voting = Way Cool Mod
I've been wondering how long it would be before a mod like this was released. A new patch has come out
that offers a couple of interesting features. Not only does it allow a different HUD, which now shows
all the weapons and ammo that your player has available, but it also offers a way to vote on what map is
played next. All of the idsoftware maps as well as 30 admin-assigned maps can be voted on! Be sure to
check it out.
New Bot Released
A new bot called the "Assassin
Bot", has been released. Drop by & check it out.
Loki Minions CTF Beta
Loki Minions CTF is now in v3.14 beta. The LMCTF team is running a test server as well... more info can be found
over at their homepage.
King Of The Hill Update
An update to Orange Smoothie Productions' Q2 mod, King of the
Hill, has been posted. This brings the mod up to version 1.1 and is v3.14 compatible. This also includes both Win95/NT
and Linux versions of the mod.
New Pingtool Available
Pingtool, a server browser for both QuakeWorld and Quake2,
has been released. This new version adds the unique ability to be able to compare ping times with friends, to see which
server would be the most fair to play on. A couple other new features have been added as well.
New Quad Mod
A new version of "Quad: The Descent Conversion for Quake2" has been
released. This new version lets you fly around in both single and multiplayer modes.
Quick Link Correction
Quake Taunts 2, a mod that adds verbal taunts to Q2 much like Duke3D and Rise of the Triad, has relocated.
Here is the direct download link.
New Sites/Reopenings
- Gibben, a deathmatch news site, is back up and working
after earlier problems.
- A new site for Quake2 .dll coding has opened its doors over here.
- A new page devoted to an (unnamed) mod is open.
They're also looking for programmers, mappers, and modelers.
- A new site devoted to Quake/2 TC news has opened. Icon of Sin hopes to
bring the best TC news, as well as support for people working on TC's.
Help Wanted
- The Orbix Movie Team is in need of people to help with just about every aspect, from coding to mapping to skinning. If you're
interested contact Suki.
- Help is needed for work on the new SQUAD CTF2 mod. Webmasters and skinners please apply within... for more info
contact Michael Stachorski.
Hosted Sites Update
- The Quake2 Scene has gotten a facelift. The Scene provides
aliases, tips, tricks, scripts, etc. for none other than Quake2.
Viking Mod Released
The Viking Mod has been released, here's the news email:
The first public release of Viking has been posted at the Viking page.
This release will most likely contain a few bugs, since it's the very first public release. If you download this
version, you are considered part of a beta testing team and should report any bugs to Thedd.
It works with dedicated and non-dedicated servers, in deathmatch or coop mode. CTF version will be released when this version has
been tested and bugfixed.
Telefragged News
Alot of new things have been happening over at Telefragged.com,
including a master server
(and instructions on adding your server to it), as well as both male
and female skinpacks.
TeamFortress2 Map Specs Released
Map makers planning on designing their own Team Fortress2 worlds will be pleased to know that the TF team has
released the map specs for the mod
New QuArK Released
QuArK version 5.0.a1 has been
released. QuArK is a popular Quake/Quake2/Hexen2 map editor and resource browser.
Weapons Factory CTF Update
An update to the Weapons Factory CTF mod is
up. This patch fixes problems with decoy skins and friendly fire. They've also started a WFCTF server
at and
Give Your Opponent a Verbal Thrashing!
Duke Nukem 3D fans will enjoy this one, a new patch called
Quake Taunts 2 has been released. This patch adds verbal taunts, ala Duke3D and Rise of the Triad. This patch is
now at version 1.03 and is Quake2 v3.14 compatible.
New HighScore Mod
A new version of the HighScore Mod has
been released. This version has a chasecam and flythrough observer mode added into it.
Quake2.com Mailbag
The mailbag has been updated, and is now featuring a
new feature, a Question of the Week. This week's question: What is your opinion of the License Agreement
(included with the 3.14 source)?.
Help Wanted
- If you'd like to help out Mark Schaefer with a fraglog project he's working on, please
contact him.
- A subteam of TeamTNT is in need of a few level
designers to help with their solo/co-op project.
New Sites/Movements
VWep Updated, Updated
Wow. First of all let me say, in reference to my earlier VWep post, I wasn't (purposely) accusing
Hentai of linking to the warezed Quake2. The reason I did post that was essentially to cover our backs here at Quake2.com
incase we were to get contacted about linking to the full version of Quake2 online, by any kind of lawyer or what have you.
Come to find out, the link to the VWep patch was on Hentai's own computer online, hence the full version of Quake2 being there
as well. As a rule, I try not to accuse people without having all the facts, and while I definitely wasn't (again, purposely)
trying to accuse Hentai of distributing warez (pirated software), I can definitely see how people might've taken it that way.
I got alot of email from people backing Hentai up, as well as a couple notes from Hentai himself explaining what had happened
to his web server (the Microsoft Personal Web Server... did I mention Quake2.com is powered by
Linux? ;) Anyway, I personally want to apologize profusely to Hentai and to
anyone else that I may have offended, it definitely wasn't meant to be taken that way.
If you're looking for the VWep patch, it is my pleasure to post these links:
Keep Your Score at the Top
HighScore is a server-side only mod that keeps track of
players' scores from level to level. It also keeps track of the highest score ever obtained on that specific server.
Try and beat the highest score ever on that server, and have your name up in lights! A server running this mod is up at
Quake2 MultiModule API
From the developers of the Quake2 Cluster Project, comes a new
Quake2 MultiModule API. A sample of the output, and detail as to how it can be used is posted up over at the linked
SuperHeros Beta7
Beta7 of the popular SuperHeros Mod is out.
This version is 3.14 compatible and adds some new features, including Weird Bombs and a Funkagroovitalizer (say that 5 times fast ;).
New DeathMatch Manager
A v3.14 compatible update for the DeathMatch Manager has
been released. Here's what DMM does:
It allows you to define custom map sequences, play sequences of MIDI files,
add extra sounds for item pickups and deaths, and customise all 33 death
messages including all the suicide / environment / pkill messages.
New CTF Ladders
If you're looking for Quake1 and Quake2 CTF ladders, look no further. The
Online Gaming League has opened up some sign-up forms for their new CTF ladders, with the Quake2 signup sheet opening
last night. Be sure to check it out if you're looking for some good ladder competition.
qED2 Suite Updated
The qED2 Editing Suite has been updated and is now available.
New Fraglogger and Parser
A v3.14 compatible copy of Quake2 Fraglogging has been released in both Win32 and Linux flavors. Also, QRC v1.50, which is
a fraglog parser for QuakeWorld and Quake2 servers has also been released. Both items can be found
New OnTheWay
OnTheWay, a Quake2 server util/frontend, is now available for
Quake2 v3.14. Here's the direct download.
BagTag 1.0 Released
The Slaughter Development Team has released a v3.14
compatible update for their mod, BagTag.
Help Wanted
- SoulKrusher is in need of some help with his new
Total Warfare TC.
- The Mission Yard has alot of opportunities open for people willing
to lend them a hand, so head on over & check it out if you're interested.
- The Special Air Services TC needs programmers,
modelers, skinners, etc.
- A new TC, Strogg Fortress, is in need of every kind of help. If you're interested contact
Death Baron or Necro.
- The Navy Seals TC is in need of texture artists. If you're interested
contact BlackHorse.
New Sites/Relocations/Makeovers
Hosted Sites Update
- Scarecrow's Quake2 Buttons has been updated,
now with 76 Quake2 related buttons!
- The folks over at the Bot Epidemic have been
extremely busy lately, with reviews of the CRBot, Eraser 0.7, and Stupid Bot, among other things.
- Quake2-Ware has a review of the Monster3D 2 card up.
- Quake2 Workshop has an interview up with Robert Duffy discussing
future plans for QERadiant.
- The mailbag has been updated also.
VWep Clarification
I've had several people email me about the link that I posted yesterday to VWep, the patch that lets you see what weapons people
are holding in a multiplayer game. The link takes you to a directory listing of files. The .dll files are there, stated from the email
that we received. However because (and I didn't realize this) the link also points to a few rather, well, illegal files, I've removed
the news item altogether. NetGuy tip: if you plan on releasing a mod, it's probably best that you DON'T link your news item to an illegal
WorldCraft 1.6 Released
WorldCraft version 1.6 has been released. This version adds
native Quake2 and Hexen2 support, as well as a LONG list of new features. This is a must have for Q2 map designers!
Confused by the License Agreement?
PlanetQuake has an article up that sort of dissects the
new license agreement that came with the v3.14 source code. This has become a bit of a controversial issue, and
this article helps to explain what
it all means for mod makers.
Weapons Factory CTF
One of the first new mods released using Zoid's CTF code is out. Called
Weapons Factory CTF, this has a few new features added into it, including decoys, homing rockets, and a jet pack.
QSB (Quake2 Scene Builder) version 1.12 has been released over at
Slipgate, the founder of Quake2.com, has resurfaced after his hiatus from the Quakemunity, and has
joined the folks over on the Navy Seals
team. We wish him luck with his new project.
QSpawn 1.06 Shareware Released
QSpawn version 1.06 Shareware has
been released. After this version work will be started on QSpawn 2.
News Right to Your Desktop
This thing sounds cool. Here's the email notice:
Checking through each of the 3D news pages each day to see if they've been
updated can be a real bore, imagine if you could be told exactly the date
and time when they were updated..
Well imagine no longer because QBS is here at http://qbs.stomped.com
Using the power of Stomped, QBS lists the latest updates of all the major
news sites and all the .plan files listed under Stomped's finger service.
Your page is included in this list and you don't have to do anything to keep
it that way.
Download QBS v1.00 today and never miss the latest Quake updates again!
I'm downloading this thing as I'm doing this update, and can't wait to see how it works ;).
New Vote-Hub
sTOKE has ported his vote-hud mod
version to Quake2. It's now at version 1.02.
Quake2 Oop Conversion
Version 3.14 of the Quake2 Oop Conversion has been
Help Wanted
- Ward Six Entertainment is looking for a few people to fill some positions on their Total Conversion team. Their TC,
Nightfall will be shown a the E3 Expo.
- The Assassin TC is in need of an artist
to do skins and web graphics.
- The PowerMod Team could use a modeler and a sound designer
to help them out.
New Sites/Relocations
- Gibs Illustrated has picked up and moved to their own domain
- There's a new page that has opened up called the Quake2
Banner Exchange... go check it out.
- Hosted Site-- Blackeye Entertainment has a whole new
webpage up and is now looking to fill a position or two.
- There's a new Quake2 site here.
UK Quake2 League
E-mail Brodie Bird or visit
http://www.pandemonium-inc.demon.co.uk/ukq2a/ if
you are looking to join a UK Quake2 league.
Lots of BodyShop Downloads
The BodyShop has a TON of new stuff, including
47 Plug-in Player models for download, 1000's of skins, over 20 skinpacks, over 20 soundpacks for models,
New Tag-Yer-It
Two Pole Software has released TagYerIt 1.1 beta for Quake2 v3.14. This mod puts you in a game of tag,
just like when you were a kid. Visit
SteQve's No Frills Quake Mods page to get the new copy.
New QStats Released
QStats version 1.50 has been released over on the
QStats webpage. Support for Standard Logging v1.2 has been added (for Quake2 mods).
Map Converter Released
m2m is a program written that converts Quake1
maps to Quake2 map format. Version 0.8 beta has just been released and has many new features added in.
New Lithium Released
Version 0.91 of the Lithium mod has been released.
This version now works with v3.14 and has an added option to kick chat flooders.
New Sites/Movements
- There's a new Quake2 page here.
- There's a new Quake2 hosting site over here.
- Zero Software has relocated and undergone a ton
of changes. Drop by and see what's new.
Hosted Sites Update
- Team Aftermath's TC, Xenophobia
is becoming ore in need of modelers. If you would lke to help out, E-mail Tvvish at
- The Bot Epidemic has finished it's polling of
"Which bot is the bot of bots for Quake2". They've posted the results on their page, with Ridah's
Eraser Bot coming out on top.
- Blackeye Entertainment is level designers, artists,
and 3D modelers. Drop by their homepage for the info.
CTF v1.02 Source Released
The source code to Zoid's Capture the Flag mod has been released. Here are the direct download links: