JailBreak Release Tonight
Don't forget that the release of JailBreak version 2.0 is scheduled for tonight. They're having a release party in #jailbreak on 3DNet, at 7:00pm PST
(that's 8pm EST, GMT -5) as well. I noticed on Blue's that the Eraser Bot support they hoped to have in this new version isn't going to be possible, but will be
released in a later update.
Eraser Info
The Quake2 Comm Center has both an interview with Ridah about his Eraser Bots as well
as an exclusive review of the bots as they approach version 1.0. Check it out!
Quake Name Editor
Quake Message Editor ("QME"... sounds familiar?) has been released. This is a utility that helps you create
"Message Categories" and messages within those categories. You can organize your sayings, and the utility only takes 3 keys to cycle thru all of your choices!
New Sites/Movements/Makeovers
HMS: RiGoRmOrTiS has been redesigned, with a new 1 on 1 demos section added as well.
Hosted Sites Update
The Mirror has posted an in-depth interview conducted by Ragin with the Nightfall Team.
Yadda yadda...
Just a quick two notes to fill y'all in: #1- Due to the Memorial Day weekend and a LAN event that I attended, you may have noticed we went updateless for the weekend. Sorry to anyone who might've needed that news.
#2- Due to the fact that I can't get my email today from here at work the first update will be rather skimpy. I'll round it out later on tonight. Sorry again and we hope you had a great "holiday" weekend!
HyperQuake Mod
A brand new mod has been released, called HyperQuake. HyperQuake has several features, including CTF support, several new weapons, and
powerups, etc. Check out the page for more info!
MOTD Edit Version 4.0
Version 4.0 of MOTD Edit has been released. MOTD Edit is a Message of the Day editor, which lets you use the menu screens
and other features.
New Stroggs Gone Mad
Legion has released version 1.2.01 of Stroggs Gone Mad. There are also 3 new zip files of routes available as well.
Bot Launchers
A couple of new bot launcher versions have popped up:
- Version 2.06 of QuickStart, the Eraser Bot Wizard, has been released. This contains several bugfixes.
- EFE version 3.0 has been released over at Industry News. Note that this will be the location for future versions as well.
New ST Factory Beta
A new beta version of the WeaponsFactory Mod has been released, the major changes including 5 new player classes, 24 new weapons, and some
new sounds.
NIQ + NIQCTF = New Releases
New versions of both NIQ and NIQCTF have been released. This is now version 1.1 fixes "the serverinfo problem for NIQ which prevented NIQ
servers from registering themselves with a master server," as well as adding several new features.
New Dedicated Server Front End
A new Quake2 server front-end has been released, you can check it out here.
MouseWheel Config
If you're one of those people who use a wheel-mouse, like the Microsoft Intellimouse, you might want to check out The Bind
for a useful wheel alias/config.
New Sites/Movements/Makeovers
What's that you say? The Viking Control Panel link was wrong yesterday? Ya, it was ;) Here's the correct one.
Thunderwalker CTF Update
I saw over on Blue's that version 1.62 of Thunderwalker CTF has been released which fixes a problem in with the pak6.pak file.
New Mission Pack Information
We got a note here at the news desk about a new Mission pack that is being put together by Tequila Sunstorm and is being
published by GT Interactive. Word has it that the mission pack will include 12 new weapons, 8 new enemies, 4 new bosses, 13 single player maps, and 15 deathmatch maps!
QNM version 1.01 is out, with several little bugfixes.
SkinED Update
SkinED is up to build 033, drop by and check it out!
Quake2 Launchpad v0.12
Quake2 Launchpad version 0.12 has been released. This new version has added support for Powerball, Freeze Tag, Jailbreak,
Superheroes 2 and KotH.
New Viking Control Panel
Version 0.98.02 of the Viking Control Panel has been released. This is a front-end launcher for the Viking
Help Wanted
The Quake2 Level Archives is looking for people to submmit their maps.
New Sites/Movements/Makeovers
- There's a Quake2 Authors List up at Voo2Quake. Stop by and add your name to the list if
you're a level author!
- A new editing site has opened, based on QuakeLab (which closed a while ago), called Twilight's End.
Thunderwalker CTF Patch
A version 1.61 patch for Thunderwalker CTF has been released. This is a release for both client and server, and should be the last upgrade until
version 2.0 is released.
Energy Quake v1.01
Energy Quake version 1.01 has been released. The concept behind this game is pretty cool.. you have to get the energy that appears when
the game starts, and carry it to the end of the level. Check it out!
New QuakeStarter
QuakeStarter version 0.59a has been released with several bugfixes and a new help file.
New Gibstats Released
A new version of Gibstats, the stats logging utility, has been released. This is version 1.8a and is a bugfix for 1.8.
Help Wanted
- FreeForm Interactive is looking for someone who can make professional quality sounds for their new FvF game. Their
tool of preference for making the sounds is Sound Ideas 6000. If you have access to that and are interested in a paying position, check their page.
- Degrade.com is starting to put togehter their mod development team. If you'd like to help out check their page for more details.
- Quakefiles.com is in need of webdesign help, as well as mod and news authors.
- The MiB TC is looking for programmers and modelers, if you're interested contact Steve.
New Sites/Movements/Makeovers
Mission Pack Goes Gold
I saw over on Blue's that the first id-sanctioned Mission pack for Quake2 has gone gold (alot of that happenin' lately ;),
and should be showing up in stores as soon as they can get them there.
Quick Start v2.04 Released
Version 2.04 of QuickStart, the Eraser Bot Wizard, has been released. This update comes with the usual fixes and new
features including a new Sound Editor and increased graphic loading speed by as much as 30-80%!
New ThunderWalker 2 Release
From the depths of the Valley of the ThunderWalkers comes version 1.6 of their CTF mod. Also, be sure to look for
version 2.0 sometime after the Quake2 v3.15 release.
Jailbreak Map
For those of you who are anxious for the coming 2.0 release of Jailbreak, you might want to check out this map, for the current
Help Wanted
- Gizzard77's Quake Stuff is trying to list every Quake2 site, so stop by and add yours with their form.
- If you'd like to help with a new mod in the works, drop by their page for details.
New Sites/Movements/Makeovers
- CTF for Dummies has moved to a new home.
- Also, Quake2 Annihilation has
been totally redone!
- Shocked.net, the newest Gaming Mag on the net, has several press positions open, as well as reviews, previews, and site maintenance. If you're
interested in joining the Shocked team, visit their site for details.
Unreal Goes Gold
More Unreal news on a non-Unreal site! It's finally official, after several speculations and claims, Epic MegaGames' much anticipated title, Unreal, has finally gone
gold after 3 years in production. The CD's are being pressed as you read this update and will be available in stores for Memorial Day weekend (this weekend)! To keep
up with all the Unreal news, keep your eyes on Unreal.org and UnrealNation.
If you want to stay even MORE informed, drop by #Unreal on The GamesLink IRC Network by using irc.quake2.com or any of
the other servers listed on the page (it's a definitely a madhouse in there ;) Anyway, Unreal went gold today w00p!
New Quake2 Server Front-End
A new front end designed for Quake2 dedicated servers has been released here.
Rhino PPM Released
TheCoven has released a new PPM (Player Plugin Model) that they were planning to use in their upcoming dm pack "Disposable Heroes."
Check the site for this download, which includes CTF skins and custom sounds.
TC Mailing List
The Llamanet Conversions has started a mailing list promising to bring the lastest Quake1/Quake2 Conversion information directly to
your inbox. To subscribe send a note to majordomo@llamanet.net with this text in the body of the note: subscribe clist .
LadderComplex Contest
If you are visitor number 20,000 to The Ladder Complex, and you take a screenshot of your winning number, the Ladder webmasters will
design you the site of your choice!
Help Wanted
A project is underway to convert classic games such as Doom and Hexen to the Quake2 engine. Drop by the site for more info.
New Sites/Movements/Makeovers
If you are having some troubles getting to one of the sites I mentioned yesterday, it's because the link is wrong (doh). Here's the correct link.
Unreal News on Quake2.com? *Gasp*
Yea, I know you come to read about Quake2 news, but I figured since it's getting to be quite a big deal that I'd let you all know that Unreal, Epic MegaGames' awesome "Quake2 Killer," will be going gold VERY soon after almost 3 years
in production. For those of you who would like to keep up on the latest developments I suggest Unreal.org, UnrealNation, or
Unreal News Australia as your sources. Also if you're into the IRC scene, The GamesLink IRC Network has the "official" Unreal channel,
that almost is never without an Epic Megagames or Digital Extremes employee (of some sort or another ;). You can get there by using irc.quake2.com or any of the other servers listed on the GamesLink page and joining #Unreal once you arrive!
New Quake-O-Matic
Version 0.921 of Quake-O-Matic has been released. Quake-O-Matic is a Quake/2 launcher designed to help you keep all your mods, tc's and whatnot organized and easy to launch.
This new version is mostly a bugfix.
Action Quake2 Version .91 Released
The A-Team has released version 0.91 of Action Quake2. Changes include a new map pack, sniper rifle improvements, a jumpkick (!), and more.
New Quake Search Engine
If you've been wishing for a search engine ever since Slipgatecentral closed for a while, then you're in luck! A new
search engine has opened up. It covers all the "major" sites, indexes .plan files (160 currently), and includes a form to submit your site for addition to their database.
Pretty cool!
LMCTF Sound Addons Released
If you're looking for some new sounds & such for your rockin' LMCTF games, look no further than
this page.
Bot Epidemic Poll Ends
The poll over at the Bot Epidemic that was to decide which launcher Ridah will include in version 1.0 of his
Eraser Bots has closed. The winner is QuickStart the Eraser Bot Wizard with 406 votes, edging out EFE with 399. Congrats to the winner!
New Air Quake2 Released
Version 0.20a of Air Quake2 has been released.
New Nightfall ScreenShots
Ward Six Entertainment has released 8 new screenshots of their upcoming Quake2 Total Conversion, called
"Legacy of the Watchers: Nightfall." Be sure to check them out!
Help Wanted
If you'd like to help out a new mod, contact TG.Yibble.
New Sites/Movements/Makeovers
U.S. Justice Department Files Suit
The U.S. Justice Department and twenty U.S. states have just filed suit
against monopolistic software giant Micro$oft.
QuakeWorld 2.2 Released
Zoid has released Quakeworld 2.2, with these notes in his .plan file:
I've released QuakeWorld 2.2. I've also added a couple new ports for this
release: Sun Solaris x86 and Linux Alpha for servers. The new QuakeWorld
should work through various broken routers that previous versions of
QuakeWorld did not work with before.
QuakeWorld 2.2 is NOT COMPATIBLE with old versions (2.1 or earlier).
The changes focused on security, cheating and gameplay. QW2.2 plays as
close as possible to the original Quake, but with the benefits of prediction.
My beta testers were very excited about the changes, and I hope everyone
will enjoy them.
Please note: Team Fortress 2.6 currently doesn't work with QW2.2. The
Team Fortress team is aware of this and will be releasing a small patch
for servers ASAP.
As always, QuakeWorld is an unsupported product. If you have any problems
tho, you can report them to bugs@quakeworld.net.
Here you go:
New BotJohnny Released
BotJohnny version 1.51 has been released. This is a major update to version 1.4 and has a whole ton of new features and fixes!
QNM Version 1.00
Version 1.00 of QNM has been released. "QNM is a Name Maker, Name Animator, and Message Block maker, for any and all Quake engine type mods and games."
Help Wanted
- The Quake Files is looking for ideas, redesign help, and any other help people can offer.
- Star Trek: The Total Conversion is looking for mappers, modelers, skinners, programmers, and texture artists. If you'd like to help them out then be sure to
drop by!
- A new site dedicated to Ridah's Eraser Bot is in need of help with reviews, routes, and more. If you're interested contact Archfiend.
- Biohazard Interactive is in need of help for their new TC, Omega Six.
New Sites/Movements/Makeover
- The DefCon Gaming Network has started up their ongoing prize giveaway system. Check the homepage for details.
- Weapon X's Quake2 Levels has moved here.
- There's a new Venezuelan Quake2 Site open to the public.
- GameGirlz.com has started their new feature, Quake Weekly. This will be a wrap up of sorts, covering the past week's news, releases, interview, and more.
Hosted Sites Update
We'd like to wish jobe good luck as he moves from his site, RBR: Below Decks to BoatRocker.com.
New Quick Start Released
Quick Start version 2.02 has been released, with several fixes and additions (like you'd expect anything less from
the QS team? ;)
Zoid Speaks At GamesCon and Online
For immediate release from GamesCon:
GamesCon announces today that it has made available to the public portions of Zoid's, AKA. Dave Kirsch of id Software, speech that was
recorded at their May 2, 1998 Vancouver event. Says Mark Chandler, biz guy of GamesCon, "We are pleased to offer this to the gaming
community so that gamers will be able to become more familiar with these people and their influence on gaming as we know it. We also wish to
have people become more aware of what GamesCon is about and how we hope to have more talks with other industry notables online in the
GamesCon also announces they will be holding their second online tournament, says Derek Ferkranus, GamesCon tournament organizer, "We
wanted to do something a little different than our last online tournament, so we will be having a 3 vs. 3 Quake 2 Rocket Arena 2 tournament."
The prizes for the first place team will be STB Velocity 128 PCI gaming video cards and copies of Unreal, the second place team will receive
copies of Unreal, and third place prizes are yet to be determined. Participants must be GamesCon registered users.
WormQuake2 Announced
A team from one of the UK's best Computer Science programs has announced that they are starting to develop WormQuake2. Although not much is
available info wise, this definitely looks like a TC to keep your eye on, as it will be a "professional project."
Got Buttons?
The Quake2 Storming Grounds is having a button promotion week, in which they will create a button for your site! All you have
to do for them is place theirs on any page within your site/subsite. It's a pretty good deal, especially for those who are artistically challenged like me ;)
Help Wanted
- Infinity Ltd. is in need of another programmer to help with their Dodgeball mod.
- The Myst Quake2 TC is looking for a mapper to help them out.
- The Ladder Complex needs people who can do cgi, update news, and cover specific games (Quake2, Blood2, etc).
New Sites/Movements/Makeovers
Hosted Sites Update
- Quake2.com is proud to announce our newest hosted site, Quake2 Anaglyphs. Anaglyphs are the pictures that you need
those red/blue 3D glasses to look at. They're pretty cool, go check 'em out!
- The Illuminati TC is in need of a programmer.
- The Quake Workshop just finished up their interviews with 11 of the greatest SPQ2 map designers around, including
Crash, Matt Sefton, Lt. Dan, and more!