There's a new version of Quake2 Scene Builder up bring it to v1.6. QSB is a full featured program that allows you to view Quake II models (and more, like Quake II Action figures). New Lithium Mod Lithium II v1.10 is now available with support for the Lithium Master Server, which allows for a multi-server chat feature currently. Some bugs that were present in v1.06 have been fixed as well. Quake2 v3.17 Released A very early morning update of Disruptor's .plan leaves delightful news of the release of the new version of Quake2, v3.17. We will display the Intel patch download sites since those are probably the most popular. The rest of the patches for other platforms of Quake2 can be viewed in his .plan:
Pointless Audio I've been meaning to do this but "faith" has been in the way of a lot of things lately. Anyways, I've been listening to this RealAudio show a lot lately. It's called Pointless Audio by Immortal (you might remember him, he's the one that tried to open the "locked door" of cheating in Quake2 with that big e-mail). I did want to mention the show while it existed, but as I am reading the page right now, it looks like it's down (I hope this is some kind of sick joke). Anyways, this show is really cool because it humorous, truthful, and informative. He provides reviews not only on popular Quake2 mods, but on popular music too (most music that I don't like, but oh well, like he says you can't please everyone :). Some say the show is childish, but I can definetely relate to this guy since it reminds me of the first few months when the "Quake Community" was forming. It's sad to see the show might be gone now, I hope this isn't true. If it isn't, I suggest everyone checks it out. (BTW: if anyone is a legal expert contact this guy!). I think I've said enough! :) ServeQ2 v2.0 Released ServeQ2 v2.0, the Quake2 v3.15+ front-end supporting Lithium 2, LMCTF 3.1x, Freeze Tag v1.5 and Battle of the Sexes v2.9.x is now available from its homepage. Help Wanted
Yea, get those baby's on because I'm about to set down a steaming pile of BS! Anyways, yes, I haven't been updating. I've had problems, I'm still having problems, and it sucks. Some personal, some technical, but I am going to try and do my job here. I didn't join this news staff to be a 1 month stand-up. Oh no, when I joined, I was looking for a duration, and that's what you people are gonna get wether you like it or not! Anyways, I appologize to the readers and the rest of the staff that I've been snapping at (trust me, I am a timebomb ready to go off). I'll just tell you one thing, it's really hard to sit down and work on a computer you can't stand. I hate this Compaq. I heard they're better now, but I don't care. I will never buy one, I will never recommend one. All I know is that I've shelled out $800 for upgrading this 1 1/2 year old computer, and it's still running like shit. I guess you really do need a 3DFX card these days (too bad I'm out of cash :(. OK, I think that's enough, I keep thinking this is my own person whining forum! ;) GFKiller
A couple of things have come out of FreeForm Interactive, including news that their new Registered Website is open here. Also, FvF 4.2 Shareware and Registered should be released in 1-2 weeks, with alot of changes that were requested by FVF fans (and who isn't one? :) Future versus Fantasy Quakeworld is no longer an official product, but is being supported by Mazurka and his development team located here. Got all that? Canada Day Special Yeah it's a day late, but it's still worth mentioning :) Flasher 907 from Team 3D Palette has released a special Canada Day graphic for everyone to enjoy. Drop by and check it out, and maybe hum the Canadian National Anthem while you're looking at it or something... Second Gaming Guru's Posted The second part of Gaming Gurus has been posted. The subject for this one is basically "What makes a great game?" Should be a good read, drop by and check it out. New UrbanCTF Screenshots The Urban CTF team has posted some screenshots of the new levels and weapons that they've got in store for the upcoming release of Urban CTF. Graphics Contest Info Several MOD teams have banded together to offer one of the greatest graphics contests in the history of the Quakemunity. Action Quake, Freeze Tag Quake, and several others have joined the 3D Palette to put this thing together. More info can be found on that page, but please note this is NOT a screenshot contest. Huge Tournament Planned Clan LSD would like to invite the entire Quake2 CTF community to what they believe will be the largest tournament ever. Each division will have 256 players for single-elimination play, as well as clan stuff. The tournament starts on September 1st, and registration is open right now! NetGuy
All of you server operators will want to check back tonight, at the Q2FE homepage. Version 3.0b1 can be expected tonight, and the page currently has screenshots of the new release in action. King of the Hill v1.2b Released Orange Smoothie Productions has released version 1.2b of their King of the Hill mod. This new release includes a map from each of their winners, as well as 3 new original maps from OSP itsself, and a couple more. Several bugfixes and tweaks are also in this new version. New EFE Released Version 3.5 of EFE has been released over at Industry News. This one includes an update box as well as the usual bugfixes. FragLand Reminder Just a reminder to those of you planning on attending the FragLand Summercon 98 games, that this friday at midnight is when registration will close. There are already 70 players registered so be sure to get your name in there before it's too late! Help Wanted The Frag Stain Development Team has several positions open, including Sound Engineer, and Modeler. New Sites/Movements/Makeovers
The IP for yesterday's DxCTF test server has changed, it is now at NetGuy
Thanks to BFF from Undernet #Quake2 for the news that Barrett "Bear" Alexander has left id Software. He saw it on Blue's who saw this email auto-reply on Redwood's: If you are not yet aware, I am no longer with id Software.We don't know why he left, and don't want to speculate, but once we do find out we'll be sure to update with that news. We'd like to wish Bear well in whatever he has chosen to move on to do. NetGuy Quake2 Ported to SGI The port of Quake2 over to the Silicon Graphics platform has been completed. All it requires is a registered version of Quake2 (of course), and IRIX 6.4/6.5. So far, the port has been tested successfully on the Indy, Indigo2 and Impact, O2, Octane and Onxy2 systems. For all the files and info, head on over to the SGI page. GunnProxy Update Right on the heals of their release yesterday, the guys over at Gunnsoft have decided to do everyone a favor by compiling a Win95/98/NT version of their proxy, so users don't have to download the Java Runtime Environment. This cuts download size down significantly, with the new package totaling in at only 688K. Ranger Base 2 Released The sequel to one of the most popular user-created deathmatch maps has been released by the Rangers. Here's a direct link to "Ranger Base 2." Headshot Interview TerraFusion has an interview with Dennis "Headshot" Kaltwasser. Headshot is a well known level designer, who worked on DaPak. We're told he discusses r_speeds, vertical level design, and Viagra. Should be an... interesting... read ;) Help Wanted
A new version of QuArK, the all-encompassing editing utility, has been released. This brings it to version 5.0.beta7. Quake2 Proxy Released Proxy players rejoice, a new proxy from Gunnsoft has been released. This proxy supports both Quake and Quake2, and runs on a myriad of platforms, such as Linux, Windows 95,98,NT, MAC OS and Solaris. Protocols that it supports include HTTP, SSL, FTP, POP3, NNTP,SMTP, TELNET, IRC, and UDP. Way cool. GameSpot Mission Pack Contest GameSpot has 10 copies of The Reckoning, the Quake2 mission pack up to win. They also have several interviews with "Gaming Gurus" including people from Shiny, 3D Realms, and LionHead. Mod Review If you downloaded that new "Capture the Chicken" mod, and want to see what others are saying about it, check out the review over at and see if you agree! Help Wanted
We have yet another new hosted site here at HQ: Quake2 Level Awards! Please take some time to go on over and check 'em out! NetGuy
I saw over at Blue's that beta testing has begun on the new LMCTF 4.0 Tournament Edition. Info and links to the files are on the webpage. LMCTF really is a great product, I play it myself quite often and have a great time. If you haven't checked it out, be sure to drop by the LMCTF homepage and grab a copy! Q2Depo Live Show If you're wanting more info on the Q2Depo Live show that I mentioned a couple of days ago, then look no further! They've sent us the direct link to the show, in RealAudio format. New Script from the Scene The 3D Scene has released a new script file, including an HTML manual for operating the script's features and functions. New UrbanCTF Screenshots The team over at Urban CTF has posted several new screenshots, covering everything from new weapons to new levels. GibStats 2.0 Released Version 2.0 of GibStats has been released. This new version has several enhancements and fixes, including support for logs under Linux, several new graphs, as well as alot of graph-format type options. Help Wanted
We have a new hosted site here at HQ: Metroid TC. We'd like to encourage you all to drop by and visit our newest member to the team! Email Stuff Our email server was down for a bit yesterday (hence no updating), but everything seems to be back on track, with no loss of email. Sorry for the lack of news yesterday :) NetGuy is undergoing server maintenance right now, so if things are a little slow that is the reason. The ftp is closed and the game servers may go down for a bit here and there. The web and irc servers will probably only go down for a matter of minutes with any luck. This should only take me a few hours so by the time most of you read this, it will probably be history. Blitz
I have been thinking about the ramifications of the WIPO bill (click big button up top if you want to learn about it) and an interesting thing has occured to me. If you make it illegal for security experts to check proprietary software such as NT, then the only software that will be secure is free software such as Linux, OpenBSD, FreeBSD etc. If a cracker were to discover a bug in the software ( such as the pppd bug in NT) he could exploit it at will and no one would really be able to stop him. To think that making heavy fines/prison against crackers will stop them is a joke ( drugs are illegal, people really worry about that). What it will do is make legitimate software security experts unable to legally talk about bugs they have found. Operating systems with freely available source code would be the only secure operating systems out there. Have any of our brain surgeons in Congress thought about this? This would backfire in the face of the very same people this bill is supposed to protect, proprietary software companies :). Blitz Quake2 on the Playstation? We received a press-release from Activision's UK office, which announces that id Software and Activision will be bringing Quake2 to the PlayStation console platform. This is a pretty cool news, although it just won't be the same without multiplayer ;) Catch the Chicken Released A new mod called Catch the Chicken has been released. The object of this mod is to hold on to the chicken for as long as you can before being fragged by the other people you're playing with. It sounds pretty neat, and even comes with a movie intro. Q2Depo News The guys over at the Q2Depo have been busy lately. They just reviewed 256 maps from, and have released a new "Top 10 Map Collection" which is already running on 4 servers. Keep an eye on these guys, and watch for their upcoming Real LiveBroadcast show! Corrections Oops, the link we gave you yesterday for Predator DM was wrong. Here's the correct email link. NetGuy Diamond Monster 3D II Competition GameSpot is running a contest that involves winning a Diamond Monster 3D II. Check it out! New Botster Botster 2.2 has been released with many bug fixes and more optimized code. Quake2 - As It Should Be It's been reported that there is a nasty bug in Quake2 - As it Should be that causes Quake2 to crash. There is a fix up at their homepage. Help Wanted
Click the big button up top. There is a bill before Congress that could be totally devastating to your rights as a consumer. Not only would it ban certain technology but the implications in the computer security world are even more frightening. Read up and mail your Senators, Congressman and even the President if you are so inclined. There could be a dark future on the horizon if a bill like this gets passed without being altered. Blitz New DeathMatch Manager Released A new Eraser-supporting version of the Deathmatch Manager has been released. Along with the Eraser support, it also has a few tweaks here and there. QuakeStarter v0.60 Version 0.60 of QuakeStarter has been released. Among the changes/improvements are a better map browser, CTF options, and Jailbreak and RobMod support. New Recon Wars Released ReconWars v3.20 has been released. This new release has a ton of additions and fixes, too numerous to mention here. Drop by their site for the details. FireWorks Classic Quake PC Released FireWorks, a classic Quake partial conversion (PC) has been released. It comes with four custom levels, some tweaks on the weapons, and the ability to launch fireworks into the sky. Two of the levels are specifically designed to work with the fireworks idea. BetaTesting Page Now Open SteQve has opened up a beta testing page, which aims to identify the authors of mods who will be submitting their product to the PC Gamer contest. Listed on the page will be the authors, and links to their sites and mods, as well as links to betatesters and serveroperators. Anyone looking for betatesters might want to check this out, as the list of testers now has about 70 contacts on it. New SkinPack Released Alot of people like to collect skins. If you're one of those people, then you just *might* want to check out this skinpack over at "Why should I?" you ask? Because this one comes with 1,000 skins! That's quite a few to add to your skin collection. A word of warning, the skinpack itsself is 17 megs, so get ready to free up your extra bandwidth ;). Competitions is having a contest, with the prize being a Diamond Monster3D II card! New Sites/Movements/Makeovers
TeamBDP has alot of cool things in the works, most notably their "Ebb of Life" project. However they are looking for a new skinner, since all of theirs seem to get hired by companies ;) Drop by if you're interested. NetGuy - Sorry for the late update ;)
Those wishing to check out a true cutting edge OS, will be happy to know that Debian has released version 2.0 beta of their outstanding version of Linux. If you really must have an integrated browser, it includes KDE's excellent desktop which utilizes the QT GUI pioneered by Troll Tech. You can not beat the price, it's all free! Blitz New Botster Version 2.1, revision b of the Botster has been released. This new release fixes all of the problems it was having with the CRBot. South Park Models Available The R.O.T.T. development team, who was working on the South Park TC before it was shut down, has decided to release the models that they were using. Sounds aren't included in this particular release, however they may be released in the future. Thanks Ant. New Urban CTF Features There's a list of new features for the CTF mod, up at Urban CTF. It details all of the game mods, playing stuffs, and classes that will be in the preview release. John Romero Interviewed There's an interview with Quake legend, and now Daikatana creator, John Romero up at this page. Should be a good read. They also have an interview with Scott Miller posted as well. The Reckoning Secrets Guide GamesMania has posted a guide to all the secrets in the Quake2 mission pack: The Reckoning. The issue posted currently is for the first half of the game, with the second half coming later this week. New Script from the Scene The 3D Scene has posted an update to their Q2 script, which includes Lithium II and Q2CTF support, as well as a few other updates and tweaks. That's A Lot of Maps! TerraFusion has over 300 maps archived for everything from Quake2 DM & CTF, to Unreal DM, and more. Most are categorized with screenshots and summaries as well, so if you're shopping around for maps, give them a look. Help Wanted is proud to announce yet another new addition to our family of hosted sites, Quake2 en Castellano! We hope to fill the void in the Quakemunity for a good, reliable Quake2 site in Spanish, and we're convinced this one will do the trick. If you speak Castellano, or just want to see what it's like, drop by the new site! NetGuy
Version 0.9beta of the WAR Mod has been released over at 5thD. This is a teamplay game, kinda like TeamFortress, with 5 player classes (Soldier, Gunner, Miner, Support Man, and Sniper). Each class has its own abilities, characteristics, and weapons. New Action Quake2 Released Version 0.93 of Action Quake2 has been released. This new version has several all-new models. They're also hosting a level design contest to kind of celebrate the new release. First and second place winners get the PC game of their choice, and third and fourth place each get $10! Quake2 - As It Should Be A new mod has been released, called Quake2 - As It Should Be. This mod offers a huge number of features/enhancements to both the client and server architecture, to make the experience "As it should be." Help Wanted is being redone as a 3Dfx and Quake2 site. They're looking for staff members to help run the model of the week, 3Dfx news, Art division, and other aspects. Also, Productions is looking for people to help with their new "Gang Wars" mod. New Sites/Movements/Makeovers
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