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Fingers [John Carmack] [American McGee] [John Cash] [Christian Antkow] [Brian Hook] [Paul Steed] [Paul Jaquays] [Todd Hollenshead] [Barrett Alexander] |
Nothing really new I can share on my level work ... although the communication center that I'm building is fighting back just as hard NOT to be built. R_Speeds are doing OK, but I haven't merged it into my level yet (which is already a tad too large). Looks really neat though.
Kevin Cloud has given thumbs up to the longer version of the backstory. It's onto the "Reader's Digest" verison now for the instruction manual.
In a recent interview I gave for http://times.quake2.com, I reported that John Carmack had increased the worldgrid to 8000x8000x8000. I just wanted to state, that in retrospect, I misunderstood something. The worldgrid has always been 8000x8000x8000. Nothing has changed with the worldgrid size in Quake II. It's just that we're making alot more use of that real estate in our Quake II maps.
Apologies if I had confused anyone.
On August 13th @ 7:00 PM CST, members of the SiN development team of Ritual Entertainment will be on stage at the EnterMedia iChat Theater for a special 1 hour chat session and public interview, along with an unveiling of all-new screen shots of the game! The event is sponsored by EnterMedia and 3Dx ("http://www.3dx.org"). Details will be posted on EnterMedia's Web site ("http://www.entermedia.net") over the next few days, and all questions should be sent to "theCrew@entermedia.net".
Martin Kozicki
Executive Content Manager
iPage ID: MartinK
ICQ ID: MartinK - 2273543
212 Valley Ridge Road * Franklin, TN 37064 USA
phone: +1 615 790 1216 * phax: +1 615 831 1399
Baron has left Meccaworld quake2 to join me at The Nebula, he'll be doing updates and some sub-pages of interest. He would like to let everyone know he has no hard feelings toward meccaworld and was glad to be a member of their team if only for such a short time."
If Activision is the distributor then it is possible to order direct from them. When the mission packs came out, Activision was taking orders a couple of weeks before release. However those orders were a "back order" and would not be filled for 6 to 8 weeks. All of the first copies were for stores. It may be possible to contact Activision and get some info that way.
We're in the process of changing ISPs right now. We will be getting a DS3 (up to 45mbps) once the fiber can get pulled in. Until then we're ruuning with two T1 lines. We're currently experiencing the new line blues. Ping times to our servers have been very bad for the past day. We are working on it and they should already be getting better. Please bear with us while we get the problems worked out.
I've had fun with a new "feature" in Quake2 recently. Let me just say that if you like rocket jumping, you're going to love barrel rocket jumping. It's basically just a RJ off of an exploding barrel (kind of like the slime cans in Doom), but man oh man can you catch some air! The level designers are already trying to figure out good ways to reward people crazy enough to launch an explosive while standing on another one. You obviously won't be able to do this as often as you can RJ (unless we let you carry barrels around), but it sure is a cool ride when you do it. Heh. Carrying explosive barrels; can you say "shoot me"?
Quake2 status in a nutshell: on schedule and looking great. NO, I am NOT going to name any dates.
Current German stuff: bier! I found a local place that has 60 different German beers; a fair number of them on tap. 30 hell (light), 30 dunkel (dark)... I'm working my way down the list.
Quake2 will have level of detail (LOD) implemented using intricate models that are simplified by removing some vertices and curve-fitting those that remain. This produces a loss of detail when the object is seen from a distance. The process will save approximately 200 polys per object. The difficulties involve determining which verticies can be removed so as to leave a still-recognizable model intact.
Trinity will probably use skeletal modelling. Ideas thrown around included "skeletons inside nurb-type surfaces" and implementing a continuous skin through the use of meshes.
Wolfenstein3D took 6 months to finish. Doom took 12. Quake took 18. John stated that he has no intention of letting Trinity take 2 years of development time. Hence, he is reconsidering his tradition of starting each engine from scratch with no code carried over from earlier games. However, he still finds the "fresh start" approach very attractive in that it frees him from having to live with past choices that may no longer be appropriate in the current game (i.e. the poor file access methods in Doom were trashed in favor of making the highly flexible ones in Quake....the result being a much more end-user-configurable game.) We'll just have to sit back and see what happens. ;)
John reaffirmed his interest in continuing id's current release cycle pattern. Thus, Trinity will be a high tech, bleeding-edge game that shows off the new engine and attracts would-be licenseees. Elements such as storyline, goals, etc. will be marginalized....along the lines of Quake (although probably not as severe). Then, about a year and a half later, the game will be tweaked and released as Trinity2....a full-blooded idsoftware masterwork..:)...along with all the Trinity-derivatives.
Where will we be in 10 years? John envisions worlds that simply aren't possible yet, due to the immaturity of our software tech. He can see games where you're flying in the air over these majestic mountains when you spot an ancient castle perched on high. You enter the castle....walk around in it....take in its detailed architecture...then accidentally fall off a balcony and into the moat below. :)
"PC Gaming World, the British sister mag of Computer Gaming World, is running a huge 11 page feature on all the upcoming 3D shooters -- Quake II, Daikatana, Unreal, Half-Life, Jedi Knight, Hexen II and, of course SiN , plus pieces on Prey, Max Payne, Duke Nukem Forever, Wheel of Time, Star Trek: First Contact, Klingon Honour Guard and Blood II. It will hit the shops on August 28th in the UK."