Scream: The Phat, The
Fun, and The Phreaky -
This is my page. Dedicated to my life, and whatever I feel like writing
Graphics Chipset Makers:
3DFX -
Makers of Voodoo2, Voodoo, Banshee... the list goes on and on. 3DFX
is currently the gaming industry standard for graphics chipsets.
S3 -
Makers Of the upcoming Savage 3d chipset
Graphics Card Makers:
This guys kick ass... buy their cards or I will personally come to your house and spank you till your ass bleeds, OK? :c)
California Graphics -
Canopus -
Makers of Voodoo 2 Cards. These cards have everything but the
kitchen sink. From a Video out, to a S-video jack
Creative Labs -
Makers of the AWE series of sound cards, and now graphics cards
Deltron -
Makers of cheap Voodoo boards
Diamond Multimedia -
Yet another maker of a Voodoo 2 card
Elcede Technologies (E4) -
Makers of 3d graphics cards
ELSA, Inc. -
Genoa Systems -
Guillemot -
Hercules -
Maker of voodoo, voodoo2, and many other boards
I/o Magic -
Don't know much about them
Intel -
Makes the i740 chipset and card
Jaton corp -
Jazz Multimedia -
Anoter great graphics card manufacturer
Leadtek -
Though not well known in gaming Leadtek has some great graphics cards
from what I've seen. Boddah and I mailed them a few days ago to hopefully
lay our hands on a couple of boards to try out. But, untill we get them,
we can only speculate.
Matrox -
Makes the G200, Mystique, and Millenium series
MetaByte -
A newcomer to the Voodoo2 war
Miro -
Again, don't know much about these guys
Newcom -
Number Nine -
A major player in the graphics war
Orchid Technology -
Quantum3d -
Should provide one of the best voodoo2 cards out there
Real 3d -
Should be seeing something good from these guys soon
TechWorks -
VideoLogic -